Prayer is Action

Warring against darkness and evil, contending against an enemy that murders and steals and whose purpose is to destroy what is good. Binding the activities of the evil one and releasing what God’s will is here on earth,  tearing down strongholds; this sure sounds like action to me. This is what God expects to be a major part of our prayer time. This is action that parallels faith, that coincides trusting God, keeping in step with the Spirit.

Feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and visiting the jailed and the shut in are excellent examples of action to be taken in the name of Yeshua (Jesus). And the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman is also an excellent example of action to be taken in the same Wonderful Name because we know that effectual fervent prayer gets a lot done according to James 5:16.

Consider the “Armor of God” in Ephesians 6:10-20. Unless you’ve read it through very recently, read it now. It starts with describing the battle Christians are to purposefully engage (spiritual – not in the flesh) , it describes our weapons (lives centered in truth, righteousness, readiness because of the gospel, faith, salvation and the Word of God – the sword of the Spirit) and most importantly, to use our weapons in prayer, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”

My goal in this piece is not an exhaustive description of prayer or of the Armor of God.  But, we must know that as followers of Yeshua (Jesus) we are targeted by the true enemy as described in Ephesians. I promise that as Messiah’s (Christ’s) coming nears so will the requirement for Christians to intensify the battle.  He is coming soon!

Prayer is not for the pacifist is it?  But, “stand firm” and ready yourself, and yes “stand firm” once you’ve readied yourself.  Keep in mind that the Bible is an offensive weapon being the sword of the Spirit.  Prepare daily by building up that armor by living according to the armor of God – read our text one more time understanding that putting on the armor of God is a lifestyle, not a panic room to run into when things get intense.  Picture putting on your armor as the fiery arrows are descending on you, while the enemy is swinging away at you.

Don’t be overwhelmed – just consistently read the Word and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit – you are His.   He is The Spirit of Peace and Power.